How I beat Multiple Sclerosis
Updated: Aug 9, 2021

I was around 45 when my life abruptly changed. I used to be a professional ballet dancer, competed in biathlons, ran 10k’s, and could stay up for 36 hours on trauma call as a surgeon. I felt indestructible.
But then I was diagnosed with MS. The diagnosis was a complete surprise as I thought I was very healthy. I was on no medications, exercised regularly, not overweight, and had no usual symptoms.
But this diagnosis was a wake-up call. I was not as healthy as I thought and looking back I realize a few vague symptoms were present. My lifestyle was also not healthy. My stress level was incredibly high as a surgeon and I was on call every 2nd or 3rd night. I had two young children and a long history of interrupted and too little sleep dating back decades. I was also drinking too many diet cokes and snacking on M&M/s for energy and fuel.
The diagnosis of MS scared me. I have seen many patients with MS, and I did not want this future for myself or my family. MS is considered a disease with no cure.
I did not want to take the medications suggested by my neurology colleagues and I knew that I had to be proactive to prevent further damage from this degenerative disease. I needed to know why and how this happened to me. Only then would I be able to win this battle.
So, I went back to the medical physiology and biochemistry books and submerged myself into health research. It was during this time of research that I discovered Dr. Terry Wahls who used nutritional science to beat MS and recover her health.
This discovery of understanding health from an entirely different way than I learned in medical school forever changed how I look at health and disease.
I am 61 now and feel fantastic but I am very careful with my sleep, stress, nutrition, and exercise. I have had no neurological symptoms for 12 years and have never taken any of the recommended medications.
I’m not saying that my method of healing works for everyone, but giving your body the nutrients and support that it needs to maintain balance is a great start.
My journey of healing took me away from traditional medicine and into a more holistic and functional form of medicine. I am now able to help others begin their path towards true health and vitality.
One of my favorite quotes is by Thomas Edison:
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
The Johnson Center for Health services patients in-person in our Blacksburg and Virginia Beach / Norfolk locations. We also offer telemedicine for residents of Virginia and North Carolina!
After seeing numerous neurologists, I was given the diagnosis of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. I was given medication, which helped, but my condition was rapidly deteriorating. Ultimately, I learned about the useful MS-4 protocol at vinehealthcentre. com. This treatment has helped greatly with reducing my symptoms, it was even more effective than the prescription drugs I was using. My tremors mysteriously disappeared after the first month of medication, and I was able to walk better. Within 4 months on this treatment most of my symptoms has vanished. The MS-4 protocol is a total game changer for me. I’m surprised more people with MS don’t know it. This MS-4 protocol is a breakthrough